Friday, September 17, 2010

Top of Kinabalu

I've got about nine of these photo's almost exactly the same- Ronny went berserk, he also took a lot of me standing on ledges when the sun was coming up. Ran out of room on the memory card shortly after and had to start deleting.
Top of Mt Kinabalu at about 5.30 in the morning. My hands were pretty cold and my nose was unstoppable. Got up at about 2.30 and had some scramble eggs and cornflakes. Great to be able to sleep under a blanket the previous night. Raza left with his guide at 2.30. Ronny had more faith in me, and we were the last to leave at 3.30. The walk up was great. At times you had to use the white ropes provided, but mostly you could walk up the granite slabs of the mountain. After a few hundred metres we left the tree line and it was just granite and hardy grasses in the clefts. I don't think the trees necessarily stop growing because of the altitude- but because the entire top of the mountain is granite. Could see the lights of villages and towns below and they looked a long way down (would have been over 2000 metres. It was a clear night and there was no moon- the stars were brilliant. At the start you could see the pricks of light from the head torches snaking up the mountain a long way above you. As we climbed and passed many, you could look back and see lights way below.

1 comment:

  1. Looking over your photos has taken me back - i did the walk to the summit in December 1981
