Thursday, September 9, 2010

For all those interested millions

You can follow fascinating exploits on our trip to South East Asia for the next three months here. So far what this has predominantly entailed for myself is lying on beds or couches with some sort of flu like thing. The two days before this were dominated by fruit- eating as much of the tropical variety as we could (the Gees seem to be trojans at this sort of thing). It has been great staying with them- I'm sure there could be far worse places in South East Asia to have the flu. Its been good to start to get a bit of a picture of what they get up to here.


  1. i think you need to upload some pictures...

  2. Didn't you see the picture of the plane in the background?

  3. actually i don't think that came up on the mac - i can see it now... um. there's not a huge amount of activity here... no crazy market stories or bat eating tales...
