Friday, September 17, 2010


Sun came up and revealed much cloud to the East streaming up over the mountain. Bit worried I was going to have a common Tasmanian mountain top experience- where you should have an amazing view but visibility is at about 10 metres. It got better- and the light revealed a granite world with bits jutting up all over the place. Be interesting to know how it was formed.


  1. this looks amazing... think you should have waited till i came over...

  2. Do not let your heart be troubled. I say we should plan a party with a view to summitting sometime in the next five years. Dad could certainly handle it- and if the pace was right mum's knees and hips might hold up as well- I'd say the Castle is a more difficult walk.

  3. What about inviting outsiders along? I wonder if an above knee amputee has ever done it?

  4. Didn't see this Russ- and now you probably won't see this- but yeah- sounds good- then we should get a party together to do Everest.
